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Open Stack Consulting and Development. Learn how we can simplify your business technology.

Openstack is one of the leading platforms for running cloud services. It was developed by Rackspace and NASA. When you are looking to build a public or private cloud, it is hard to find anything better.

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Pegas Offers Expert OpenStack Consulting & Development Services; Ensuring Key Stakeholders are involved in your Infrastructure as a Service Implementation.

Virtualization Will Assist You Modernizing Your IT Systems And Make It Easier For Your Business To Adapt To Emerging Challenges Your Business Might Face

Openstack is an open source cloud infrastructure platform. Using this open source platform allows you to build a private or public cloud to service your company or clients. Openstack was designed to scale on consumer hardware so that you can develop your compute nodes (Virtual Machines) and storage nodes (Block storage/ Object storage) rapidly, saving you time and money. Openstack can run many virtualization technologies like KVM, Hyper-V, Xen, ESX, and Bare metal machines.

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How Virtualization Can Help Your Business.


This is the compute nodes (Virtual Machines) component to Openstack.

Cinder And Swift

Cinder and Swift manage object and block storage for Openstack


Keystone provides an overall management platform for Openstack.


Neutron is capable of build complex virtual network deployments.


Horizon provides the primary GUI for the Openstack platform.

Cinder And Glance

Provides a robust set if OS images and I have used it for migrations in the past.

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