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Alfresco an open source Enterprise Content Management System. Learn how we can simplify your business technology.

Take control of the flow of documents in your office using alfresco BPM engine. Using alfresco you will never waste hours trying to find a document again.

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Pegas Offers Expert  Alfresco Consulting & Development Services; Ensuring Key Stakeholders are involved with the ECM Implementation and Providing a Rapid ROI

Alfresco The Perfect ECM For Small To Medium Sized Businesses

Alfresco is a tried and true solution for Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Business Process Management (BCM). Alfresco is used Worldwide in over 1,800 companies in a variety of services such as financial, healthcare, and public sectors. By integrating an ECM with a BPM Alfresco has developed a platform that is “simple, smart, and secure.” It is trusted with high-end customers such as The United States Department of the Navy, NASA, Fox, NHS, Michelin, and much more.

The Alfresco ECM is a systematic collection and organization of documents and files. An ECM can be designated for segregated parties such as executives, customers, and management. Alfresco ECM allows for a high-functioning archive of your files and documents that can be easily accessed through its integrated search engine. Essentially Alfresco ECM is a digital librarian that works 24/7/365 with instant access to all company related documents.

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Alfresco Features A True Enterprise BPM Engine

The Alfresco Activiti is a BPM designed for business people and developers. Activiti is high-performance process engine. What Activiti offers is the organization and management for a wide range of major to minor business processes. Alfresco BPM can help your business because it is a platform that allows for a hybrid of modeling, automation, execution, control, measurement, and optimization of a variety of business activities.

Alfresco has search features that are similar to Amazon that allows for search filtering, search suggestions, and agile document retrieval. “Smart Folders” allow for folder discovery via file groups that are determined by content type as opposed to file storage location. All these features are available to all internet capable devices due to Alfresco installation onto the cloud.

By Utilizing The Our Hosted Alfresco ECM Solution

Pegas Technology Solutions DMS applications bring enterprise level implementation, training, planning, and support to small and mid-sized companies. Our DMS Hosted solutions eliminate software licensing fees, hardware upgrades, hardware maintenance, capital expenses, and on-site IT staff. If onsite IT staff is needed then we can supply a Pegas Tech to your location.

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What are the benefits of Document Management Systems?

Full Text Search

Find any document in your system just like a search engine on the web!

File Permissions

Not everyone needs access to the entire document repository, a good document management system comes with robust access control levels.

Version Control

File Versioning allows your company to keep an evolving backup of your documents, and “roll-back” changes if needed, in case something should happen during an edit.

Smart Folders

Create smart folders, dynamically link documents, and manage master copies of documents.

Folder Rules

Folder rules can update, move, and create documents based on predefined sets of triggers. Adjust and manage them from easy to use dashboard controls.

Built In Workflows

Create workflows to manage related forms, even down to field validation and auto-fill. Power your forms with the same technologies as the web.

Mobile Ready

Smartphone enabled features such as remote access through a dedicated app, and integrated applications

Document Metadata

Save and edit tags, descriptions, and other meta data easily, on all documents. Add comments, annotations as well.

Records Management

Most businesses need to retain records for a certain amount of time, and a good Document Management System will allow you to stay in compliance, hassle free.

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